Friday, November 6, 2009

My MAC is crashing!!!

I had the best of intentions at the beginning of the week. I was going to blog at least every other day. I have so much to catch up on and was excited to do so. But as it turns out my MAC had a different idea and decided to start crashing on me. I was panicing. I had not bought the external hard drive yet that I had been talking about for months. I knew I needed to back it up, but yet I had not done so.

One of my FB friends (thanks Rhonda) was kind enough to jump in (along with her husband) and try and help me out last night. After a number of e-mails back and forth, we could still not figure it out so I made an appointment at the Genius Bar at the Apple Store today.

After tinkering with it for a few hours, the verdict was in..... my hard drive was crashing... They are putting in a new one tomorrow and they are hopeful that the files can be saved. For now, all I can do is wait, and hope.

And guess who will be getting an external hard drive this weekend??

I hope to be back in action soon....

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