Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Missing in Action???

I can not believe that I have not posted in over 2 weeks. It is really quite frustrating. I know, I know, we have been busy. We have had soccer games, CCD, hockey practice and the end of Brenna's 1st season of Cheerleading. Throw in Brenna's 8th Birthday and Halloween, mix it with some volunteer time at school, and you should have all of my excuses for being MIA. Despite my valid reasons, it is frustrating. It is frustrating because I started this blog 10 months ago with the intention of not dropping the ball. I wanted to be able to stay in touch with our friends and family, and find a realistic way of recording the memories of our day to day life.

I am hoping to light a fire under my proverbial $#$@ and get this blog back on the road, or should I sat back on the "net". I am hoping that I am able to do this with some inspiration from one of my favorite scrappers, Shimelle Lane. Scrapper, you say. How can a scrapper help? When it all comes down to it a blog, for many of us, is just an online scrapbook. When we do not have the time, or the inclination, to break out all of the paper, adhesive and photos, blogging is another great way to write down your thoughts, feelings and memories.

So, our first assignment is to document our starting point and our intentions. So, here is a shot of where I blog. Can you believe that the desk is actually clean? (OK, I threw all of the paperwork into the drawers before I took this picture. :) )

And, in an attempt to set some realistic goals for myself, I will say that what I really want to be able to do is to be more consistent. I want to make sure to record the little details in our lives. These are the things that I think we will all appreciate later on in life.

In writing that statement, I am reminded about something that Brenna said to me the other day. She got her first real diary for her birthday. After she had written in it the other day she told me that she thought that it would be really fun to read her entries when she was older to see what here life was really like when she was 8. She certainly hit the nail right on the head, don't you think?

I promise to be back soon with updates on all of the things that we have been up to lately. There certainly is a lot to talk about! Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute about your daughter. Mine (who is 8) writes in her journal, but it's mostly when she's mad. I need to work on that with her!
