Friday, November 20, 2009

The Colvins Have Landed!!

Yep, that's right. After a long day if travel we arrived in Florida last night. We then drove to Titusville, home of the Kennedy Space Center. After a quick dip in the pool ( the kids, not me) we all sacked out. Clearly we were all very tired.... Everyone slept in until 8:30 this AM, which is virtually unheard of in our house!

We spent the day at the Kennedy Space Center today. Since i am blogging from the road, I do not have any pictures to share yet. I will upload a ton when we get home.

The highlight (at least for me) was having lunch with an astronaut. After we ate, the guest speaker, Susan Still, spoke about her experiences on her two Space Shuttle missions. After her speech, she took questions from the audience. Both Brenna and Andrew got to ask her questions. (Brenna actually got to ask 2.). Brenna asked her (1) what the temperature was like in space, and (2) if she had ever been on a space walk. Andrew asked her how many stars were in space. It was really neat.

Then we went on a tour of the facility. We saw the two launch pads used for the Space Shuttles and the ones used for various rockets. We also got to see the VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building) where the Shuttles are paired with the rocket boosters and fuel tank. At the end of the tour we saw the actual Apollo control center and the Saturn 5.

After briefly touring the Shuttle Explorer, Todd and Brenna rode the Space Shuttle Simulator. (Andrew was not tall enough to ride it so we watched them from the Observation Deck.). It really was an amazing day. I am so glad that we worked this into our schedule!

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