Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just a Quickie...

I am still without my computer. I am hoping to have it back by Tuesday. I still do not know if all of my files were saved.... I am crossing my fingers....

I have broken out the old laptop to write this brief post. Ralph (aka Grandad) arrived on Thursday evening and we have had a really nice visit. I am not yet able to upload any pics, but Todd took this one today with his phone and e-mailed it to me so I could post it.

We spent the afternoon at Battleship Cove in Fall River. It was only a short drive from Plymouth (about 40 mins) and the weather was beautiful. Battleship Cove is a huge Maritime Museum that consists of a number of decommisioned boats. We were able to board and explore a battleship (USS Massachusetts), a submarine (USS Lionfish) and some PT boats. The kids loved climbing the ladders, checking out the weapons, and seeing the various parts of the ships. It was a great day!

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