Friday, December 19, 2008

Just beginning

As the end of the year draws closer, I am reminded about what a poor family historian I am.  Every year, I promise that I will be better at capturing the day to day moments that pass so quickly in our lives.  While I tend to be good about taking pictures, I often find myself reflecting on an event and wishing that I had taken the time to write about what we were really doing, feeling, etc.   I need to be better about truly recording events.  Time passes all too quickly.

As an avid blog follower, I am amazed at how others record their day to day memories.  I really enjoy reading the blogs of others.   I think this is a great way to share what is going in our lives with our friends and family across the country.  I usually have the best of intentions about staying in touch.  I intend to pick up the phone, write an e-mail, or even a better, a letter, but most of these intentions remain just that, intentions.  So, I figured that I would give blogging a try....

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