Monday, September 28, 2009

Viking Cheerleading

Viking Cheerleading is in full swing, and Brenna is still loving it. The squad recently had their pictures taken. I snuck in and took a few of my own. Here is Brenna's individual picture and the whole E Blue Squad. 31 girls in all, 3 coaches and 3 junior coaches.

The girls were surprised two games ago when the coaches broke out the pom poms for their half time dance.

This past weekend was the big Cheer Exhibition. The Vikings hosted it in Plymouth this year at the middle school up the street. Teams from 11 towns came to Plymouth to showcase their performances. Plymouth had the most girls by far as it is a very popular sport here. The E Blue Squad did a great job. Here is the video of their half time dance. (Sorry for the quality of the video, I was up in the bleachers.) Brenna is in the 2nd row, 2nd from the right.

When the girls were done, they were given medals and certificates. And since Plymouth was the host town some members of the Vikings Football teams presented each girl with a carnation too. It was super cute!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy....

The kids had their first soccer games this weekend. Brenna has been practicing for 2 weeks, but last week's games got rained out. Andrew just started soccer this weekend. He has been waiting so long to play. He was thrilled when he learned that he was on a team (the Gorillas) with 3 of his friends and that Todd is going to be the Assistant Coach.

Unfortunately, Todd was away this Saturday and both kids had games at the same time. Luckily, Brenna's friend Julianne is on the same team, and her parents were kind enough to take her to her game. I was sad to miss it though.

Brenna moved up this year to the Under 8 league, and they practice during the week and have one game on the weekend. They are playing in bigger fields this year and play actual positions (which she has not done in the past). She has been very excited about these changes and we have seen her really developing her skills over the past year. I think this will be a fun season for her. Even though her team (the Tides) lost, she did very well. She scored 2 of the team's 5 goals. And, in keeping with last season's tradition of "Donuts for Goals", she earned donuts for Sunday morning! Since I was not there, I do not have any pictures of her in action, but I promise to post some after her next game!

It was still a bit chilly in the AM when we headed out to the fields. Andrew lucked out since his team color is brown so he was able to wear his sweatshirt on the field. He is playing in the Under 6 league and they practice for 1/2 hour and then play a 3 on 3 game for a 1/2 hour. There is no official goalie and the kids play on a smaller field. Andrew had never really played soccer before. He love kicking the ball around in the yard, and practices with Brenna and Todd, but this was a entirely new experience for him. He hustled on the field, but really liked running back to defend the goal (as you can see in the picture below). He actually blocked 3 goals! And even though the kids are not supposed to be keeping score, was quite pleased to announce that his team won 7-1!

He LOVED playing and can't wait till next Saturday when he gets to go back (and Todd will be there too!) The kids were so stinking cute out there on the field! When we left the field, he told me that it was his new favorite sport.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Bennett!!!

Well it is hard to believe but 13 years ago today, this little guy was born....

That was Bennett at 7 weeks old, the first night that we brought our 4 legged "baby" home. He was such a cute puppy. I really wish I had taken more pictures of him when he was so little. And here he is, 13 years later....

He really is a great family dog. And, as you can see, he tolerates the kids (and their antics) very well. He has slowed down a bit, but still loves to run and play. And he still manages to sneak the occasional sandwich or stick of butter off of the kitchen counter! You would never guess he is as old as he is!

Happy Birthday Bennett!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk- Boston 2009

Well it is that time of year again. I just signed up for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Boston and I am sure excited. It is a 6 mile walk through downtown Boston to raise funds for breast cancer research. This cause is near and dear to my heart. As many of you know, Todd's Mother, Kathy Colvin passed away in June 2007 after a long battle with breast cancer. It only seems fitting that I participate in this walk in her honor. We miss her so.

Bubbie, Andrew & Miss Daisy

Bubbie, Brenna & Chloey

Todd, Brenna, Andrew & Bubbie

Last year was my first year participating. My friend Linda invited me to go along with a bunch of her friends. It was an amazing experience. Thousands upon thousands (approx 38,000) of people converged upon downtown Boston to raise funds. There were people from all walks of life, with so many different experiences that made this cause personal to them. There were cancer patients, survivors, and so many others who had been touched by breast cancer in one way or another. The mood was uplifting, even empowering, as so many different people from all walks of life, came together for a common cause. And last year the Boston Walk raised $3.4 Million. Amazing, what the so many people can do together on one day, isn't it?

So, if you have a dollar or two that you care to donate in support of this walk, please click on the link on the right side of this page, and you will be directed to the official website. And, if you are not in a position to donate, please just say a prayer for all of the people fighting this horrible disease. Thank you.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Vikings Cheerleading Has Begun!

The Plymouth Vikings officially started their football season yesterday. And, for Brenna, that meant the beginning of her Cheer career! Brenna decided that she wanted to try cheerleading last year after watching the girls perform at a football game. We did not know anyone who was doing it here, but she really wanted to try it out. That day, she found a coach after the game and asked how old she had to be the cheer on a squad. She was told that she had to be 7. So, as soon as she turned 7, she reminded me that she needed to sign up. Well, Brenna turned 7 half was through last years football season so she had to wait until this year to join. She has been practicing 3 times a week since the 1st part of August and all of the girls have worked very hard to get ready.

It was a gorgeous day. Even though the game was at 9:00 AM, it ended up being pretty warm. Brenna cheers on the E Blue squad, which cheers for the 7, 8 and 9 year old team. The Vikings were playing the team from Brockton. I have to say we were quite impressed with the football game. The kids, and the spectators, were really into it. And they played a great game. The Vikings won 6-0.

The Cheer squad did a great job. They were on the sidelines the whole game, and even did a small dance during half time. It was very cute and Brenna had a lot of fun. We are very proud of her and all of the hard work that she has put into this new sport. Here are a few shots from her debut.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Delaney, my sweet little niece turned 14 today! I vividly remember the call that we got from her Dad, when her Mom went into labor. I was so excited to head out to the hospital to meet the newest edition to our family. She was, and still is, such a sweet girl.

Unfortunately, now that we live in Massachusetts and they live in Colorado, we do not get to see each other as much as we would like. But when we do get to see each other, we make the most of it. We were recently all together for Christy and Reg's wedding, and we all had a blast.

Here are some of my favorite (and readily accessible on my computer) pictures of Delaney.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We love and miss you!!!!

This one is a little old....

And here are some from last summer....

and most recently, last month at the wedding, with my other "little" niece, Amber!

Back to School

Monday was a very big day in our house. Both of the kids went back to school. Andrew started Kindergarten (full day) and Brenna started 2nd Grade. Here they are before heading off in the morning.

Brenna got a little nervous on Sunday night around bedtime, but recovered in time for morning drop off. The ride to school was really quite cute. Brenna used it as an opportunity to tell Andrew about all of the really neat things that he is going to get to do this year. Here is a bit of their conversation.

Brenna: Hey Andrew. Want to know what is really cool about Kindergarten?

Andrew: Sure.

Brenna: Well you know at home how you have to sit in the same seat at the table every day (slight groan)?

Andrew: Yes.

Brenna: Well when you eat lunch in the cafeteria at school, you can sit wherever you want!

Andrew: Neat.

Brenna: And you get to take music class this year.

Andrew: Huh?

Brenna: Yes, the music teacher will come over and you will get to play instruments and dance. You will even get to play music games.

Andrew: I don't like music games.

Brenna: And when you go to the library and to gym you get to come over to the big building where I am. And maybe, I will get to see you (with a big smile on her face).

Andrew: That would be cool.

Such a neat conversation to be a witness to!

Both kids had a great day. Each of them has a few friends in their class. They have both seen their teachers from last year, which was very exciting for them. In all, we have had a great start to the new school year.

The kids have a half day today and we are headed to the beach with some school friends. We have to take advantage of this weather before it is gone! After that, Brenna has her first soccer practice for the season.

We are looking forward to a relaxing Labor Day weekend. Sunday will be a big day for us as Brenna has her 1st Football game to cheer at. She is super excited. I will make sure to post some pictures of her debut early next week!

Have a great long weekend!