Sunday, July 17, 2011

And now almost a year later....

11 months ago, I sat at my computer and vowed to be a better blogger. Unfortunately, I dropped the ball. As I logged on today to see how long it had actually been since I posted, I was disappointed to see tht my last post was on August 22, 2010!

So much as happened in the past year that I have neglected to record. It would be one thing if I had been keeping records in some other manner ( my scrapbooks or a journal) but that has not been the case. Now don't get me wrong, I have taken 100's, no 1000's of pictures this past year, but most of them have not been printed. In fact, almost all of them are tucked away on my computer waiting to be edited, cataloged and filed away. That task seems so daunting that I have been unable to even begin to tackle it. Maybe when the kids go back to school....

But rather than focus on my past failures, I am just going to say that I am going to try my best, from this day forward, to take a little time to record a bit of our lives.... a bit of the everyday.... some of it might be big.... some small.... but all of it is ours... because I do not want to forget the details, even the small ones.

So, on that note, I will leave you with this picture from our beach day today. Brenna is in Maryland for the week so Todd and I are enjoying lots of "Andrew time". The boys had a great time building sand castles today at the beach!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Rolling Wood Ln,Plymouth,United States