Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vikings Cheer Banquet

Brenna's Cheer Squad had their end of the year banquet on Monday. Brenna had not seen most of the girls since the season had ended in October so she was really looking forward to hanging out with everyone again.

The Coaches had organized a pizza lunch and cupcake decorating party. Gifts of appreciation were given out to all of the Coaches. And, at the end, Brenna was thrilled to learn that she would be receiving her own trophy. Here she is with her head Coach, Miss Lew.

E-Blue and their Jr. Coaches.

We were fortunate to have become good friends with the Hobin family through Cheerleading. Sara (left) and Megan (right) were both on Brenna's squad and they have a younger brother who has become friends with Andrew.

Cheerleading was a great experience for Brenna. She made a lot of new friends, learned a lot and had a ton of fun. Sign ups for next year are in February.... so far, she says she wants to do it again.... we will see.

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