Monday, January 18, 2010

A backyard what?

A backyard ice rink.... Can you imagine it? I had to move to Massachusetts before I had ever even heard of one. Pretty cool, eh? One of our friends sets one up in their yard each year and they invited us over for a skate party this Saturday. We were joined by 2 other families from school. Andrew has been skating for almost 2 years now but Brenna had never been on skates before. As it turned out, this was the perfect place for a 1st outing for her.

After getting her all suited up in her skates and pads (and borrowing a helmet since she did not want to wear her princess bike helmet) she hit the ice. Todd helped her a long for a bit in the beginning but it was not too long before she was moving around on her own.

Even after a few spills, she was still smiling.

Andrew was in heaven. He got to play hockey with all of the big 2nd Grade boys. They had a blast! (He is the one in the GAP sweatshirt.)

And Brenna even joined in the game for a bit.

It was a pretty warm day and the sun started to melt the ice a bit. After lunch the kids returned to the ice, but this time without their skates. Instead, they wore their snow boots and continued to play hockey for at least another hour. They were having so much fun!

We had sooo much fun. Thanks Brooks family for a great day!

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