Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Project 365

I have always wanted to try this. What is it you ask? Well it is a plan where you take a picture a day for an entire year. I have tried this before for only a month and have not succeeded, but I thought I would give it a try again. In order to keep a cohesive record of the pictures I have set up a separate blog. You can find it here.... let me know what you think....


  1. I started the Project 365 last year and got as far as March ... just taking photos was a problem for me as I then owned only a DSLR ... and my mini digi is now broken, so taking pics is not that easy for me each day.
    However, I've seen a lot of people's photos & layouts for Project 365 and it was great!! :)
    I am going to do Shimelle's "Document: 2010" this year ... 12 pics per month should be "do-able". :)


  2. Kat- I will have to check Shimelle's class out too. I love her stuff!
