Monday, December 14, 2009

Vacation pictures... finally....

Can you believe that it has taken me soo long to get these vacation pictures organized? I figured that I had better get it done now or I would never get it done. Soon I will be back logged with Christmas pictures too!

We started our trip off at the Kennedy Space Center on Titusville, Florida. I had been as a kid and I was really excited to bring the kids there. It was a great day (weather wise) and there was hardly anyone there. We did not have to wait to see anything.

When we first got there, we explored the Rocket Garden where a number of space crafts are there for hands on exploration. The kids got a big kick out of seeing how larger than life they were. And, they loved checking the ones out that you could explore.

Both Brenna and Andrew insisted on having their picture taken with Astronaut Snoopy.

As I mentioned before, the highlight of the day was having Lunch with an Astronaut. We had lunch with Space Shuttle Astronaut Susan Kilrain. It was a great experience. The kids even got to ask her questions about her experiences in space.

After lunch, we took a tour of the facility and were able to see the Shuttle Launch pads and the building where the shuttle is assembled. We even got to see the actual mission control center that was used for the Apollo flight program.

As the day wound down, we were able to explore the inside of a Space Shuttle and Brenna and Todd rode the Space Shuttle Simulator. Andrew was a little too short so he and I watched them on a TV. During the whole time, he kept saying that he did not know why he was not allowed on the ride.... "they aren't really doing anything. They are just sitting there." He was a bit frustrated.

I am so glad that we were able to squeeze this into our vacation. It was such a great experience. I would highly recommend it to anyone in the area.

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