As usual, the kids just ran off to play as soon as we got there. They really are the bestest of friends. I have always known how lucky Brenna and Andrew are to have Liz as a friend, but you can not help to be reminded of this when you see them together for days on end. They did everything together for 3 days, with no upset. It is such a wonderful thing to see.
The visit was nice and laid back. Colleen had already arranged her work schedule to be off while we were there and Carl took 2 days off too. Carl and Todd headed out to Ravens training camp (again, without the camera!). I think Todd was able to enjoy it a bit more this time around! It is funny to think that we never went to Ravens training camp when we lived there, and this summer Todd got to go twice. He still is, of course, a die hard Ravens fan!
The kids were up to all of their usual stuff. They never seem to get bored. The girls found hours of amusement taking tons (and I mean tons!) of goofy pictures with Brenna's camera, like this one....

Both Todd and I were spoiled on this visit. Carl made his AMAZING Wings for Todd which made him quite happy. No one makes wings like Carl. When we lived in Maryland, it was what he always brought for special occasions. Now that we have moved, it has become a normal part of a Hordesky visit. As for me, Colleen and Carl stocked the house with chocolate.... Colleen made a decadent chocolate cake (OMG!), and Liz made some great brownies. The fridge/ freezer was stocked with ice cream, Schwan chocolate treats and Klondike bars. And of course, I felt obligated to eat as much of it as possible. :) After all, I would not want to be rude!
The kids wound down at the end of each day with a movie selection. They huddled up on the couch in their PJs and just relaxed. Even Todd joined in the fun one night.

This trip was extra special because we got to see the Simms Family (well, everyone except Mike who had to work). Nancy drove up on Thursday with the boys. We had not seen them since their trip up north for Memorial Day in 2008, so we were all so happy that they could come see us. The boys had grown so much. I knew that they had, but I was amazed once I saw them. All of the kids played great together (it is amazing how a Nintendo DS can bridge the gap between boys and girls, regardless of their ages!). You have gotta love electronics!

And look at how big Tyler is now! The boys were so cute together.

That evening our friends, the Morrisons, were kind enough to invite us over for dinner. We had not seen them in awhile, but it was like we had been there just yesterday. It was a cool night and we were able to hang out on their deck and catch up, enjoy some great food, company, and the views of Hampstead. The last time we were all together, their son Ryan, was not quite into playing with Andrew yet. But this time, it was totally different. The girls played with the girls and the boys played so nicely with all of Ryan's great boy toys. (He had just had his birthday so he had some really cool new toys which Andrew was amazed by. Now I have some good ideas for Christmas!)
On Friday, it was time to say "see you later". The kids (and even the adults) have come a long way in saying that. It is hard to believe that it was almost 2 years ago to the day, that Brenna and I were crying our eyes out in the Hordesky driveway as we prepared to drive to BWI to fly up north. (Poor Andrew, he was so confused by the whole thing back then.) But at least we have established a good routine of seeing each other, and we are all pretty good about staying in contact when we are in between visits. This makes the parting, which is still so hard, just a little easier.
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