We started our vacation off with a brief visit to Avoca, PA and spent the night with our friends, Mike and Jean Carroll. Despite us arriving much later than expected (the traffic and weather were terrible), they had a great meal and come cocktails waiting for us on our arrival. They always make us feel so at home. It was so nice to spend some time with them and catch up. Thanks Jean and Mike!
Now no visit to Avoca would be complete without a visit to the Moosic Diner.

So, before hitting the road on Saturday, we stopped off for breakfast there. The kids just love this place, especially the treasure chest that they get to hit if they eat a good meal. Brenna was extra thrilled this time because they made her a cheeseburger for breakfast! They made her morning!
We headed next to Todd and Jenn's house. It was great to see all of the kids together. They were so excited to see each other. It was as if they had seen each other just yesterday. As soon as we got there, they ran off to play together for hours. On Saturday night, Todd and Jenn were kind enough to host a little get together at their house. Martin, Stacey, Jenna and Alyssa popped over for a bit. It was so great to see them. It has been almost a year since we had seen them last. I was amazed at how much the girls had changed. They are so big now!
Colleen, Carl and Liz came too and stayed for a nice relaxing (and delicious) cookout. The kids were quite content amusing themselves and we had some nice quality adult time.
The next morning, all of the kids got up and headed out to Ravens training camp with Todd and Todd. I was surprised that all of the girls wanted to go, but they did. Brenna was very impressed when she saw Ray Lewis. Unfortunately, the guys forgot their cameras so I do not have any good pictures to post. :(
We spent the next two days hanging out at pool that Todd and Jenn joined this year. It was perfect for the kids. They had a great "kids" pool (up to 4 1/2 feet) which Andrew was able to get around in quite nicely with his vest. And they loved the waterfall.

Brenna and Andrew even ventured up to the big lap pool for awhile. It was great to see what amazing swimmers Kaylee and Emma have become after their hard work on the swim team this year.

Brenna and Andrew even ventured up to the big lap pool for awhile. It was great to see what amazing swimmers Kaylee and Emma have become after their hard work on the swim team this year.
Andrew spent the majority of his time jumping in and out of the pool. This was a new thing for him this year and he loved it!

And then, of course, they all had to join in. It was quite cute!
We were fortunate to be able to schedule some time with Aunt Laura, Uncle Chuck, Jason and Brittany too. Laura and Chuck has us (and the Workman clan) down for dinner one night. Chuck made his World Famous Pork Chops, which is all Todd truly needed to be happy. As usual, Jason played with the kids non stop until he had to leave for one of his night classes. Brittany was nice enough to stick around and hang out with us even after her Hubby had to leave. It was so nice to sit back, relax and just catch up with them. We are hoping that they are going to be able to fit in a trip up north to see us this Fall!
As always, it was sad to say "good-bye", or better yet, "see you later". But it looks as though the Workman family may be gutsy enough to venture up north again this year for New Years with us! We are super excited about that! Thanks for a super, wonderful, awesome visit guys! We miss you already!

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