The kids had their first soccer games this weekend. Brenna has been practicing for 2 weeks, but last week's games got rained out. Andrew just started soccer this weekend. He has been waiting so long to play. He was thrilled when he learned that he was on a team (the Gorillas) with 3 of his friends and that Todd is going to be the Assistant Coach.
Unfortunately, Todd was away this Saturday and both kids had games at the same time. Luckily, Brenna's friend Julianne is on the same team, and her parents were kind enough to take her to her game. I was sad to miss it though.
Brenna moved up this year to the Under 8 league, and they practice during the week and have one game on the weekend. They are playing in bigger fields this year and play actual positions (which she has not done in the past). She has been very excited about these changes and we have seen her really developing her skills over the past year. I think this will be a fun season for her. Even though her team (the Tides) lost, she did very well. She scored 2 of the team's 5 goals. And, in keeping with last season's tradition of "Donuts for Goals", she earned donuts for Sunday morning! Since I was not there, I do not have any pictures of her in action, but I promise to post some after her next game!
It was still a bit chilly in the AM when we headed out to the fields. Andrew lucked out since his team color is brown so he was able to wear his sweatshirt on the field. He is playing in the Under 6 league and they practice for 1/2 hour and then play a 3 on 3 game for a 1/2 hour. There is no official goalie and the kids play on a smaller field. Andrew had never really played soccer before. He love kicking the ball around in the yard, and practices with Brenna and Todd, but this was a entirely new experience for him. He hustled on the field, but really liked running back to defend the goal (as you can see in the picture below). He actually blocked 3 goals! And even though the kids are not supposed to be keeping score, was quite pleased to announce that his team won 7-1!

He LOVED playing and can't wait till next Saturday when he gets to go back (and Todd will be there too!) The kids were so stinking cute out there on the field! When we left the field, he told me that it was his new favorite sport.
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