Monday was a very big day in our house. Both of the kids went back to school. Andrew started Kindergarten (full day) and Brenna started 2nd Grade. Here they are before heading off in the morning.

Brenna got a little nervous on Sunday night around bedtime, but recovered in time for morning drop off. The ride to school was really quite cute. Brenna used it as an opportunity to tell Andrew about all of the really neat things that he is going to get to do this year. Here is a bit of their conversation.
Brenna: Hey Andrew. Want to know what is really cool about Kindergarten?
Andrew: Sure.
Brenna: Well you know at home how you have to sit in the same seat at the table every day (slight groan)?
Andrew: Yes.
Brenna: Well when you eat lunch in the cafeteria at school, you can sit wherever you want!
Andrew: Neat.
Brenna: And you get to take music class this year.
Andrew: Huh?
Brenna: Yes, the music teacher will come over and you will get to play instruments and dance. You will even get to play music games.
Andrew: I don't like music games.
Brenna: And when you go to the library and to gym you get to come over to the big building where I am. And maybe, I will get to see you (with a big smile on her face).
Andrew: That would be cool.
Such a neat conversation to be a witness to!
Both kids had a great day. Each of them has a few friends in their class. They have both seen their teachers from last year, which was very exciting for them. In all, we have had a great start to the new school year.
The kids have a half day today and we are headed to the beach with some school friends. We have to take advantage of this weather before it is gone! After that, Brenna has her first soccer practice for the season.
We are looking forward to a relaxing Labor Day weekend. Sunday will be a big day for us as Brenna has her 1st Football game to cheer at. She is super excited. I will make sure to post some pictures of her debut early next week!
Have a great long weekend!