As many of you remember, Andrew had a rough entry into the world. Those first few days seem like a blur to me now. So many doctors, nurses, medications.... My memories become more clear after his surgery when he was 2 days old. Things changed, we knew what we were dealing with now, and we just had to wait to see how he progressed. I remember holding him for the first time when he was 6 days old. Finally, I got to hold our son. It was amazing. The days were measured by quantifiable numbers; how much he could eat, and how much weight he could gain. Every little bit mattered. Eventually, after 6 weeks and 1 day, we brought him home from the NICU. And finally, he was able to meet his big sister. It was such an amazing day!

Quality time with Daddy

Meeting Brenna

All smiles....
Five years later, I am amazed at what he has become. You would never know that he had been so sick when you look at him. He is a typical 5 year old boy; silly, sweet, boisterous, but above all, loving. He has a special twinkle in his eye. He loves to be silly and make people laugh. He is truly our miracle boy.
And before I end my sentimental thoughts, I would be remiss if I did not thank all of you who were there for us, and for him, during that difficult time. So many friends and family dropped everything to be there for us. People helped in so many ways. Some took turns visiting him in the NICU, while others kept us company while we were there with him. Many people helped out with Brenna, who was so little during all of this. It was hard for her to understand why she could not see her little brother. And then there were all the prayers. I was amazed at how quickly word spread about Andrew. Before we knew it, friends of friends, and even those we did not know, were praying for our amazing little boy. It was truly inspiring. And obviously it had an impact. Look at him now!
And so, the birthday celebrations began today.. cupcakes at school. I even got to come in and read to the class. We were both very happy about that! He loved his official birthday hat that Ms. Meaghan and Ms. Stephanie made for him. (And yes, that is frosting on his face still!)

Tomorrow, he has requested a special breakfast of pancakes, with strawberries and whipped cream! And for his birthday dinner... pasta! (Now there's a shocker.) Saturday we will celebrate with some of his friends. It is really cute to see how excited he is this year about all of the festivities. It is going to be a great weekend!
Happy Birthday Andrew! Hope you had a wonderful day.
The Murphy's