and added some new traditions this year. We were joined, compliments of Auntie Christy by an elf named "Bells" this year. The kids loved looking around for him each morning to see where he was hiding. It was so cute.
Christmas Eve brought an extra surprise for Brenna. As she was getting ready for bed, her 2nd tooth finally fell out. I say finally because this tooth (much like the first one that she lost) was holding on by a thread. She refused to pull it so we let it come out on its own time. Here, in pictures, is what happened between 10:36 and 10:38 at our house that night.

So, not only did Santa come that night, but the Tooth Fairy did as well. Brenna was worried that she would not be able to keep her tooth so she left this little note under her pillow, just in case.
Christmas morning was wonderful. The kids loved all of their presents, and it was so nice to have Oma and PopPop here too. I did not take a lot of pictures this year, but here are a few of my favorites from the Christmas season.
Sitting with Santa.
Christmas Eve
I would be dishonest if I did not confess that a decent amount of time was spent by both kids enjoying all of their new electronics. It was quite cute to watch Andrew teaching PopPop how to play Indiana Jones and Batman on the Wii! I wish I had gotten a picture of it!
Unfortunately, Todd had to work the day after Christmas. Even though the snow was melting, it was not warm enough to do anything outside. So, we headed off to the Movies. We saw Bedtime Stories. It was a little over Andrew's head, but quite cute.
The next day was warmer and the kids headed outside to try out their new outside toys.
Brenna got a new bike
And Andrew got a sharp new scooter (thanks Aunt Laura and Uncle Chuck!)
After a few days of playing, Oma and PopPop had to head home to NC. The kids were quite sad, but promised that they would be brave when they left. I am so glad that they enjoy each other's company so much.

Oma, PopPop, Brenna & Andrew
I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas too!